Meet Courtney (she/they), a passionate and dedicated professional specializing in integration, self-care, stress management, and spiritual awakenings. As a queer woman, Courtney brings a unique perspective to their work, fostering an inclusive and affirming environment for all individuals. With over a decade of experience as an integrative lifestyle coach since 2012, Courtney has cultivated a diverse skill set and an immense background.
From functional movement as a personal trainer, teaching yoga and practicing Zen, to holding a culinary arts degree and studying nutritional therapy, her expertise extends far and wide. They have also delved into shamanic studies and utilize spiritual guidance tools for self-discovery, like tarot and oracle cards. Tarot cards represent different archetypes and themes, used for deep introspection and guidance, while oracle cards offer more flexibility and can cover a broader range of topics, providing intuitive insights for daily life situations. Courtney's knowledge is complemented with experience in trauma-informed education as well as social justice and self-awareness through a liberatory lens.
Driven by an insatiable thirst for learning, Courtney is enamored by life, nourishing traditions, and the full spectrum of our human experience. Her philosophy is rooted in the belief that every individual deserves to live a fulfilled and empowered existence, regardless of their background, identity, or current circumstances. With a little guidance, you can tap into your inner potential and become the best version of yourself, fostering growth in mind, body, and spirit.
The Self Care Creature Mission
Self Care Creature is driven by a powerful mission – to bridge the gap between self-care and community care. SCC envisions a world where self-care is not an isolated act, but a catalyst for building stronger communities and learning how to get along despite our differences and struggles. We believe that by nurturing ourselves, we become better equipped to care for others and actively contribute to the well-being of our communities. SCC is committed to empowering individuals to prioritize self-care while fostering a sense of interconnectedness. Through our sessions, resources, and other offerings, we aim to inspire individuals to embrace self-care while fostering a culture of collective well-being and support.
Background & Education
Degree in Culinary Arts, 2010 Graduation + Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner est. 2017 Specializing in uncovering nutritional deficiencies, educating on proper digestion and establishing intuition. Personal experience cooking for dietary restrictions, prioritizing whole food ingredients.
National Personal Training Institute + NASM Certified Personal Trainer since 2012 Specializing in functional movement, injury prevention + posture analysis. Personal experience in group instructing, athletic cross-training, olympic lifting, hard style kettlebells (2013 certificate), and running (sometimes barefoot!).
200hr Yoga Teacher est. 2015 + 20-hr Trauma Sensitive Workshop 2019 Specializing in all-level + all-body movement, bringing a practice that safely brings you from mind to body, aiding to establish a new supportive and compassionate nervous system baseline.
Peer Support Guide through Yoga for 12-Step Recovery (Y12SR) est. 2024 Grounded in the principles of harm reduction and guided by yogic texts, trauma research, modern neuroscience, and the 12-step program – this training explores cognitive and somatic approaches to support a foundation for bridging the gap between traditional recovery programs and holistic wellness practices fostering comprehensive healing and growth, and to create a more just and equitable society that supports the health and well-being of everyone.
Foundations to Social Justice with Dr. Tee Williams Summer 2020 This (12+) week live course taught core theories and concepts of Social Justice from an intersectional and Critical Liberation Theory perspective, with their importance to Social Justice movements.
Meet Your Medicine Mentorship with Fey Wolf Fall 2020 A 4-month transformational journey following five sacred elements within the Indigenous Medicine Wheel, learning to heal and weave shadows into gifts of wisdom intended for life's work and service.
Foundations to Self Awareness with Dr. Tee Williams Fall 2021 This (10+) week live course helped to develop the awareness needed to successfully implement work of Liberation and Social Justice. "Self-awareness is critical to liberation and social justice work because it enables us to more clearly see ourselves and notice what is happening around us."
Reiki Level 1 Certified with Jill Cofer of Full Circle Reiki Studio & School est. 2024 Reiki is considered a gentle and non-invasive energetic healing modality. Originating in early 20th-century Japan, and rooted in Buddhist and Zen traditions, it involves the transfer of universal energy through the practitioner's hands to promote physical and emotional healing. A Reiki Level 1 practitioner can practice Reiki on themselves, with animals, and in group settings, enhancing their own well-being and that of others.
Specialty Interests & Self-Study
Travels & spiritual curiosity began 2014-2015 9-month travel excursions through Mexico + Central America sparked spiritual curiosities that began unfolding with deep interest in the ancient cultures of these lands. This is where practice with Oracle cards was first introduced.
Practicing Zen Student & Retreat work since 2017 After these travels, a profound interested in Zen studies and retreat work took hold. Working at a retreat & zen center in Upstate NY, and separately, hired on as the chef + nutritionist at a Fall yoga retreat. This work continued for many years.
"Spiritual Awakening" in the Fall of 2019 After bizarre personal experiences and through the guidance of trusted mentors, exploration in the work and worlds of indigenous, shamanic, and ancestor reverence began to take form.
Other modalities used and practiced... Tarot Cards (from 2019), Soto & Rinzai Zen Traditions, Guided Meditations + Visualizations, Ritual + Ceremonies.
Committed to Continuing Education Courtney continues to learn and expand in their own communities and with their own mentors, teachers, therapists, and continued education trainings.
Respecting Boundaries: Embracing Scope of Practice
Respecting the boundaries of expertise is a fundamental principle at Self Care Creature. Courtney's commitment to continuous learning ensures specialized support tailored to clients' needs. Integrating various approaches and techniques provides a holistic approach to well-being. For areas outside of her wheelhouse, Courtney refers to other professionals to ensure clients receive the most appropriate care. Pairing lifestyle coaching with other healing practices and therapies is a natural fit within the Self Care Creature approach as it allows individuals to be provided with a well-rounded and personalized experience.
Tailored Care Approach
As an integrative lifestyle coach, Courtney specializes in helping high-achieving individuals cultivate contentment and peace of mind, particularly during challenging times of integration and transitions. With a deep commitment to understanding clients intimately, Courtney goes beyond offering strategies for change. She guides clients in exploring the factors that have shaped their journey, fostering acceptance and compassion in that space. Through a conscious and present approach, she works alongside you to facilitate sustainable transformation.
Working with individuals of diverse backgrounds and beliefs, Courtney combines compassion with a straightforward coaching style. Her thought-provoking inquiry creates deep connections that often endure for years. This coaching style is designed for spiritually minded individuals who are ready to commit to personal growth and navigate life with values and integrity. Together with Courtney, you will navigate stress, overcome obstacles, and unlock your true potential. If you seek happiness, reduced stress, self-trust, and meaningful connections, embark on this transformative journey with Courtney at Self Care Creature. Don't wait to bring purpose and impact to your life.
"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they know how to make the best of everything." Andreas Tsatoumas
A brief story from Courtney about her life:
I have not always been so joy-filled and optimistic. My early years of life were mostly in the suburbs of Seattle, moving around with a mother that struggled to be stable in mind, body and spirit. By age seven, my dad's parents took custody of me and I transitioned my life north, to a small farm town called Skagit Valley, where I currently reside.
Between unstable parents trying their best (and coming up short) and being raised as an only child by my grandparents (three times my own generation), I faced a lot of unique circumstances and quarrels in my upbringing. I recall always sensing the world as a set up for depression and a slippery slope toward psychological warfare, often feeling alone and misunderstood.
Questions began to plague me from a young age, like: Is it possible to actually know and trust yourself? Is it even possible to be truly happy in life? And if so, what does that even mean...and how do I get there?
I had no conceivable notion of the path such questions would take me on. I've been led to see how living a fulfilled and meaningful existence comes through learning how to support yourself, embracing your fears and facing discomfort. That it is possible to transmute your pain, trauma and grief - but more importantly - life is not about always being happy or feeling good. Learning how to navigate these normal and expected terrains of life, unleashes your inherent resilient nature. As a human being, you are designed for this. I'm here to help you tap in and navigate your life from a more grounded place. This results in less stress and more stability, connection and joy.